On Nov 4, 9:23 am, Felix Frank <felix.fr...@alumni.tu-berlin.de>
> On 11/04/2010 10:40 AM, Martin Alfke wrote:
> > I would assume that you can define a resource default:
> > User { ensure => absent }
> > and afterwards define the users you would like to be present on your system.
> Not at all. This default will apply to all users that you define in your
> manifest. So this
> user { [ "www-data","cron" ]: }
> will indeed ensure those user's absence,


> but puppet has no concept of
> "remove resources I have not declared anywhere".

Incorrect.  See the discussion above of the "resources" meta-type.  It
can be used to purge unmanaged resources of any type.  In fact, that
seems currently to be its *sole* use.

I agree with several others' comments, however, that this is a problem
that should not arise.  It is rarely necessary to grant users
unfettered administrative rights to any system, and when such rights
are granted it is a bit silly to try to restrict them by the back
door.  A user with such access and an intent to do harm has so many
ways to go about it that you will never block them all.  Instead, give
users the means to perform only those administrative functions they
need to perform, taking care to protect against privilege escalation.

If a user really does need complete administrative access, then he is
a de facto sysadmin, and he should be saddled with all the
corresponding responsibilities.  If necessary, you can rope off his
computer in a DMZ, or otherwise protect the rest of your network from
it, but you cannot protect a computer from its own admin.


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