On Nov 4, 2010, at 12:28 AM, hywl51 wrote:

> Hi, all
> I want to control the user accounts on our company servers with
> puppet. The complete requirements are the following:
> 1. Assuming that one user run " useradd ...." on the server to create
> a new account named "newuser".
> 2. Puppet will konw the new user created soon, and restore the server
> status to the before. That is, puppet will delete the new user.
> I am not sure if puppet could fullfill this requirement. Could anyone
> give me some advices.

Puppet isn't good at requests phrased that way.  I don't use puppet to say, 
"make X stay how it currently is".  Instead you say, "Make X be the state I 

You could push out /etc/passwd and /etc/group with Puppet, but you would need 
to be careful.

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