On Sep 27, 2010, at 10:08 PM, Luke Kanies wrote:

> On Sep 27, 2010, at 7:04 AM, Brice Figureau wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It looks like I missed your original e-mail to puppet-dev.
>> On Fri, 2010-09-24 at 11:20 -0700, Nigel Kersten wrote:
>>> [cross-posting as I'd like to know whether my intuition about this
>>> being the most common case is correct]
>>> class foo {
>>> file { "/etc/foo.conf":
>>>   source => "puppet:///modules/foo/foo.conf",
>>> }
>>> }
>>> For me, every single one of my source specifications refers to a file
>>> inside the current module. My intuition is that this is the most
>>> common case outside my own deployment, so why don't we optimize for
>>> it?
>>> class foo {
>>> file { "/etc/foo.conf":
>>>   source => "foo.conf",
>>> }
>>> }
>>> eg the proposal is that if you don't specify the protocol, server
>>> address, modules prefix, module name, it is assumed you are referring
>>> to a file path relative to the 'files' subdirectory of the current
>>> module.
>>> If you wish to fully specify the source URI, you're free to do so.
>> My issue with your proposal is that at first glance it will look like a
>> local copy (which should require an absolute path) and not a remote
>> copy. This certainly violate the least surprise paradigm for new users.
>> What about a new URI scheme (ie module) which would do the same:
>> class foo {
>>  file { "/etc/foo.conf":
>>    source => "module://foo.conf",
>>  } 
>> }
> Another option is a new function:
> class foo {
>  file { "/etc/foo.conf":
>    source => expand("foo.conf")
>  }
> }
> Then all of the smarts could be in expand().
> OTOH, I think it's a bit think in terms of syntax.  Backticks? :)

Single quotes are popular enough that I think backticks would be a nightmare.

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