On Mon, 27 Sep 2010, Brice Figureau wrote:
> What about a new URI scheme (ie module) which would do the same:
> class foo {
>    file { "/etc/foo.conf":
>      source => "module://foo.conf",
>    } 
>  }

If you go this way, please do not include "://" in the URI.  The
presence of "://" implies that the next thing after the "://" will
be an "authority" part (defined in RFC 3986 section 3.2; e.g.
something like a hostname, or u...@host:port, or the empty
string that represents an implied hostname).  RFC 3986 section 3
says 'When authority is not present, the path cannot begin with
two slash characters ("//").'

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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