I am using puppet 2.6 with Nexenta ncp 3.0.1 - an OpenSolaris distro
with Ubuntu userland. Most things work great, only a few make trouble.
A big problem is creating a (Solaris-) Zone with Puppet. It does not
work with puppetmasterd only if run it with puppet manually:
puppet --debug --verbose /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
Here is the code:
# $name = "www"
$zname = "$name.$domain"
zfs { "syspool/zones/$name":
mountpoint => "/export/zones/$name",
ensure => present,
require => File["/export/zones"],
file { "/export/zones/$name":
ensure => directory,
mode => 700,
require => Zfs["syspool/zones/$name"],
zone { $name:
autoboot => "true",
ip => "$zone_if:$zone_ip:$zone_route",
path => "/export/zones/$name",
realhostname => $zname,
require => File["/export/zones/$name"],
I figured out that it must be a path issue. Running with puppetmasterd
the path is not set to the default value for nexenta:
Is there any way to set the path for every system command puppet is
executing? I didnĀ“t found it in the puppet code. Any hints?
jerry ;-)
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