This one is driving me crazy. Problem is Puppet try to start some
services (in this case zabbix-agent) before it is installed.

My puppet-master is Debian 5.05 with Puppet 2.6.0 (from squeeze).
Target system is FreeBSD 8.1 with Puppet 2.6.1 (from packages-8-

When I run puppet manually in debug-mode I get:
debug: Adding relationship from Package[zabbix-agent] to File[zabbix-
agent_conf] with 'before'
debug: Adding relationship from File[zabbix-agent_conf] to
Service[zabbix-agent] with 'before'

debug: Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderFreebsd: Executing '/usr/sbin/
debug: Service[zabbix-agent](provider=freebsd): Could not find
zabbix_agentd in /etc/rc.d
debug: Service[zabbix-agent](provider=freebsd): Could not find
zabbix_agentd in /usr/local/etc/rc.d
debug: Service[zabbix-agent](provider=freebsd): Could not find
zabbix_agentd.sh in /etc/rc.d
debug: Service[zabbix-agent](provider=freebsd): Could not find
zabbix_agentd.sh in /usr/local/etc/rc.d
err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find init
script for 'zabbix_agentd'

My modules init.pp-file looks like this (Debian-stuff is commented out
for troubleshooting):
### zabbix agent ###

class zabbix-agent {
   Package['zabbix-agent'] -> File['zabbix-agent_conf'] ->

   ### Install package ###
   package { zabbix-agent :
      name   => $operatingsystem ? {
         freebsd => 'zabbix-agent',
         #debian  => '',
         #default => '',
      alias  => "zabbix-agent",
      ensure => installed,

   ### Get config-file ###
   file { 'zabbix-agent_conf' :
      path    => $operatingsystem ? {
         freebsd => "/usr/local/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf",
         #debian  => "/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf",
         #default => "/usr/local/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf",
      ensure   => file,
      checksum => md5,
      owner    => 'root',
      group    => $operatingsystem ? {
         freebsd => 'wheel',
         debian  => 'root',
         default => 'wheel',
      mode     => 644,
      require  => Package['zabbix-agent'],
      source   => "puppet://$hostname/

   ### Start service ###
   service { zabbix-agent :
      name    => $operatingsystem ? {
         freebsd => 'zabbix_agentd',
         #debian  => [""],
         #default => [""],
      require => Package['zabbix-agent'],
      ensure  => running,
      enable  => true,

Does anyone have a clue why it's behaving this way?

Best regards,

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