Ben Beuchler <> writes:

> I found myself unable to load/use a custom type I've been working on.  To
> minimize the variables, I copy-n-pasted the "File" example from the
> documentation link below, just changing the name from "file" to "haddock" to
> avoid conflicting with the real File type.


> My puppet.conf is pasted below.  Note that my client is running in the
> "development" environment.  Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

You didn't read the bit (which, IIRC, isn't all that obvious) that explains
that custom types and plugins don't play very nicely with environments; you
are going to get the production stuff, not development stuff.

I think the developers just committed a fix for that to a branch, ready for
testing, so you might want to troll the BTS and see about testing it in your
use case though. :)

✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉            ☎ +61 401 155 707
               ♽ made with 100 percent post-consumer electrons

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