On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 9:07 AM, Nigel Kersten <nig...@google.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Douglas Garstang <doug.garst...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 1:15 AM, Ken Barber <k...@bob.sh> wrote:
>> > Douglas - what you are trying to do isn't supported in say 0.25.x
>> > without compromising. I think the discussion regarding you using
>> > external nodes is a waste of time - I'd rather divert the conversation
>> > instead talk about what you might want in an ideal world.
>> Ken, what I am trying to do is pretty simple in concept. We would like
>> to be able to update our node manifests programatically via scripts.
>> Parsing and updating the node manifest files is of course doable, but
>> not ideal. If all the node details were stored in a more standard
>> format, like yaml for example, and then some process was run to
>> convert the yaml files to node manifests, this would be great. Sounds
>> like external nodes doesn't it?
> Is something like extlookup what you're really looking for?
> http://code.google.com/p/extlookup/
> You have a bunch of parameters per host that you wish to be able to update
> programmatically, so you put all of this into an external data file so you
> can look up the relevant parameters per host?
> (I haven't followed all the back and forth in this thread sorry, so
> apologies if this has been covered.)


Hadn't seen that. Thanks. That looks to be a possibility, and is
exactly the type of problem I am trying to solve. YAML would be better
than csv, and I'm not a ruby zealot so might have to stick with csv
for the moment.

I also don't know what version of puppet this will work with. We're on
0.24.8 still... production environment and all...

Another alternative... just use some sort of templating system on the
node manifests and run them through that.


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