On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 10:20 AM, R.I.Pienaar <r...@devco.net> wrote:
>> and I include it in every single module (shame I can't include it at
>> site.pp). As far as I know, including one class in another does not
>> guarantee that the other class gets evaluated first, even though the
>> other class has a default Package{} .... or does it? Docs on this
>> stuff in puppet are really murky.
> where do you include opsys::$operatingsystem at the moment? show us your 
> entire current code so we know.
> My intended design was that in site.pp you could do Package{ require => 
> Class["opsys::setup"] } and retain that functionality

I don't include opsys::$operatingsystem anywhere at the moment. I was
going to start putting it every single module which seems ugly. I
hadn't thought of the the idea of putting it in site.pp the way you
just did... I'll give that a shot.


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