On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 10:03 AM, R.I.Pienaar <r...@devco.net> wrote:
> ----- "Douglas Garstang" <doug.garst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Apr 26 09:58:15 s_...@app09.fr.xxx.com puppetd[12785]: Could not
>> retrieve catalog: Syntax error at '::CentOS' at
>> /etc/puppet/modules/opsys/manifests/init.pp:1 on node
>> app09.fr.xxx.com
>> where the include has:
>> include "opsys::${operatingsystem}"
>> and the module opsys has at line in init.pp:
>> class opsys::CentOS {
>> }
> right, classes cant have Caps as the first char (or maybe even anywhere? not 
> sure).
> anyway, you'd probably need to look at a case statement then that includes 
> opsys::centos for $operatingsystem == CentOS and similar for your other 
> operating systems. :(
> puppet really needs a downcase function.

Well that's weird and mildly confusing. The class is opsys::centos but
we're really including opsys::CentOS. Nice.

Anyway, so lets say I now have this in my opssys::centos class

class opsys::centos {
    Package {
        require => Exec["yum-clean-all"]
    exec {
            command => "/usr/bin/yum clean all";

and I include it in every single module (shame I can't include it at
site.pp). As far as I know, including one class in another does not
guarantee that the other class gets evaluated first, even though the
other class has a default Package{} .... or does it? Docs on this
stuff in puppet are really murky.


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