
----- "SyRenity" <stas.os...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> > What kind of tools do you mean? I deploy code with OS packages so
> that makes it easy
> > the package agent actually uses the Puppet provider code to do the
> install/update/etc
> > so it's cross platform.
> You mean you package your code as RPM/DEB, and then install it via
> package agent (which uses Puppet code) on-demand, in push model?


> > you cant access the CLI of a remote machine interactively no, you send a 
> > request
> > and get a response based on the logic in your agents.
> Can you give any example to this? Suppose I want to find the version
> of Linux installed on every host, for example.

that is available as a Facter fact, here you go:

% mc-facts lsbdistdescription

        CentOS release 5.2 (Final)              found 1 times
        CentOS release 5.3 (Final)              found 5 times
        CentOS release 5.4 (Final)              found 34 times

Finished processing 40 hosts in 5001.69 ms

run it with -v and you get a list of hosts matching, if you wanted to just find 
the 5.2 you could:

% mc-find-hosts -W lsbdistdescription=/5.2/

If I just want to update 'httpd' package on those machines:

% mc-package -W lsbdistdescription=/5.2/ update httpd

Look at this video: http://www.youtube.com/ripienaar#p/a/u/4/kNvoQCpJ1V4 that's 
exim queues and management
exposed over mcollective and centrally managed.

> > I use the package agent to apply operating system updates for
> packages not included
> > in puppet manifests, or for cases where puppet manifest just say
> 'ensure => present'
> > and I manage the updates out of band when i am ready.
> So you basically can manage updates as needed, in monitored fashion.
> Nice.

yeah, and audited centrally etc.

> I understand that such things as db schema updates and partial
> productions deploys can be easily done using classes.
> But do you plan to support deployment rollbacks of any sorts?

can't imagine that, at least if some other tool provide a transaction aware 
layer sure, but it's an incredibly complex
task and probably varies per environment.  Sure you could code rollbacks by 
calling your package management tool in a 
way that would trigger that.  Certainly I do not believe something that just 
calls remote procedures could do
rollbacks on your behalf.


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