
----- "SyRenity" <stas.os...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> Thanks for the detailed explanation.
> > MCollective enables you to write agents on all your nodes and talk
> to
> > them in an RPC fashion. It has more dependencies than some of the
> other
> > tools but provides tight integration with puppet and other such
> tools
> > meaning instead of host lists etc you can pick and choose
> > which machines to target your actions based on facts, classes,
> > hostnames and regexes of all of those.
> It sounds as very close to what I need, i.e. performing different
> actions according to types of machines, rather then running over a
> list of hosts.
> Does it contain any deployment-oriented tools?

What kind of tools do you mean? I deploy code with OS packages so that makes it 
the package agent actually uses the Puppet provider code to do the 
so it's cross platform.

Not sure what other tools you mean, give me some examples.

> > I'd say if you were looking for something to run just random cli
> > commands with on all your machines then its the wrong choice but if you had
> > to write code that interacts with your infrastructure and orchastrate cross
> > machine states then its the right tool.
> You probably mean that just for firing commands over group of
> machines, it's better to be done in "SSH loop" tools, like
> Func/Fabric/ etc, as it doesn't require client installation?
> Does MCollective allow any raw CLI, or all needs to be done via Ruby?

you cant access the CLI of a remote machine interactively no, you send a request
and get a response based on the logic in your agents.

> > It's more programming heavy than some of the other tools though the RPC 
> > framework
> > is a bit like Rails in that it makes a lot of assumptions about how
> > you build agents and if you work within those assumption boundaries you can 
> > pull off
> > some nice stuff quite quickly.
> Any plans to support other languages?

I have some proof of concept JSON <-> MC RPC bridges that can be used but not 
more than that in mind.

> > It comes with agents package, service, puppet, iptables, exim and a few 
> > others.
> > Provides centralized auditing of all actions and in the next release very 
> > fine
> > grained authorization of all actions.  The auditing, authorization, security
> > encryption and even what serialization you use is all pluggable and 
> > replacable.
> These packages mostly for audition? Or I can control them (though it
> probably should be left for Puppet)?

I use the package agent to apply operating system updates for packages not 
in puppet manifests, or for cases where puppet manifest just say 'ensure => 
and I manage the updates out of band when i am ready.

> > It really shines on larger infrastructures where you would want high 
> > concurrency.
> > And the payoff in its extra dependencies becomes really apparent in those 
> > larger
> > platforms though.
> What overheads MCollective + deps add?

You need a middleware layer, currently STOMP based ones like ActiveMQ is 
best.  On the machines themselves its just rubygem stomp and mcollective code.

> > I don't really want to do a point for point comparison between tools but 
> > any tool in this
> > space that is based on threads of parallel ssh will run into resourcing 
> > issues fairly soon.
> > Similarly tools that are based on static hosts lists rather than the 
> > reality of what
> > is there now will also have issues.  MCollective doesn't use any of
> these modes of operation.
> I think CTier works according to similar notation, where you need to
> define classes of machines, though it doesn't seem to integrate as
> well with Puppet.

Yes, I re-use the work you already put into puppet as a source of meta data so 
it comes for free 
essentially, if you include a class or have a fact then that makes up the query 
sources for
selecting targets.

Better than having to classify machines twice and easy to extend with new meta 
data - just make new
facts or classes.

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