> that are very much procedural while Puppet manifest are more
> useful on a description of required software level.

Sort of.

The long story is that we don't have a really native feeling way to
model multinode deployments and workflow now, but we can think of
modeling it based on a set of checkpoint conditions.

Meanwhile you can see a bit of a preview here:


external_resource { "some remote condition":
    frequency => 1,
    timeout => 30,
    check => "/some/external/script/that/will/return/true"

The trick is of course that the remote check software does not exist
as part of anything in Puppet core, yet, so that would be up to you.

However blocking until a database is present on a remote server is
actually possible now.   (Provided you write the script to check for

I would agree that the concept of taking a node out of a load balanced
configuration and modelling that configuration is more difficult to do
intelligently, as the system needs to understand a fair amount of
about your HA environment.

It's not so much of an issue of declarative vs procedural, but more so
a question of can the system model your configuration.   Right now,
those systems today that are 'procedural' don't model at all, they are
more of raw code.


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