On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:46 AM, Julian Simpson <simpsonjul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Given that there are so many ways to skin the same cat, I'm wondering
>>> how others are doing their application deployments using Puppet. Or,
>>> if you are using Puppet but do your app deployments via some other
>>> mechanism, how do you do it, and why aren't you using Puppet to do it?
>>> Pete
>> I use capistrano for application deployment.
> I've managed to use both Puppet and Capistrano for deployment: Cap for the
> business code, and Puppet to ensure that dependencies are met.  Puppet was
> called from Capistrano.
> J.

Can you share some examples of where your dividing line is and some of
the tasks that are hard to handle in Puppet today?

Ideally I'd like to figure out how to incorporate more of that into
puppet-core.    Bruce has been working on a version control type, that
could be used to check sources
out of version control and eliminate some packaging needs for hosted
apps, though I'm curious as to what other niches might not be covered.


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