I think that RedHat + Solaris would be a better base to start, since they
are the most common *nix flavors on most companies. Maybe going a bit
further and adding OSX to the mix to give everyone some guidelines on how to
write the modules for the 3 major *nix based Operative Systems out there.


Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until
you hear them speak

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 5:55 PM, Michael DeHaan <mich...@reductivelabs.com>wrote:

> James Turnbull wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 3/02/10 3:27 AM, Michael DeHaan wrote:
>>> Hi List!
>>> So I was talking with several folks on IRC this morning, and we came up
>>> with an idea.
>>> One of the strengths of Puppet is it has a very large community with tons
>>> of systems administration experience.    This is huge.  I'd like to unite
>>> that experience more closely, so that this power is immediately available
>>> and obvious to new and existing users.   Currently we have a large
>>> collection of repos, some containing one module, some containing many, but
>>> they are fragmented:
>> Mike
>> I'd love to see this get off the ground.  There have been a couple
>> of attempts at it - and you can see some background at:
>> http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/CommonModules
>> http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/ModuleStandards
> Yep, read these (for benefit of the list, we were talking on IRC, I don't
> actually read that fast!) ... seems not
> be insurmountable.
> Even a tiny bit of pain getting this off the ground seems hugely worth it.
>  What I'd like to do initially is start getting these together in one giant
>>> curated repo, hosted on our github space, that makes it easier for all
>>> Puppet users to contribute to.
>> Sounds great - we had a play with a couple of ways to do this -
>> mostly around git submodules (to allow you to check out individual
>> modules from a git repo).  I'd personally recommend not going down
>> that path - I had issues. :)
> Can we start by grafting together everyone's modules and trying to
> namespace them?
> Git subtree merge preserves attribution nicely... so everyone still gets
> their credits.    The paths
> will then need to be merged around some.     Temporarily, this might mean
> prefixing modules
> the paths of their creators if we have conflicts.
> If we need to make changes to them, there will be some testing work to be
> done as well, which we can use help with.   So this may mean identifying
> which ones out of which repos are important for starters and trying them out
> ... and moving more into the "curated" repo later ... basically keeping a
> "to be processed" directory seperate from the main so we can more easily
> identify what we need to transmogrify?   We'll start small with some good
> examples.
>>> I think we need to start small, and identify some basic concepts we need
>>> a collection of namespaced modules
>>> to have, in order to work together well.     If this takes off, we may
>>> want to create a seperate list for development of the common modules -- TBD
>>> -- but we could use puppet-users for now.
>> I think the primary issue here is to have some common rules for
>> handling certain scenarios:
>> 1.  Cross-platform support
>> 2.  Naming standard
>> 3.  Module construction
>> I personally don't think these are hard problems to solve and I
>> think it we put together two or three straw man variants as a
>> talking point that'd get us further ahead than talking about it.
> Indeed.  I'd rather try it and see what comes crashing down.   We need to
> be aware of what the problems could be though, no doubt.
> For our initial attempt, perhaps we should aim for mostly Debian+Red Hat
> cross platformness with modules
> supporting both?   That seems reasonable and achieves a good starting base.
>      Of course there may be a lot of work getting to that...
> I need to check for any explict licensing in there, of course.    We'd also
> need to identify
> what parts of them did things "weird" and try to homogenize them a bit, I'd
> suspect.
> I don't mind doing the initial driving and getting the repo set up.   More
> collaborators on this would be good, and I think once we have this, it would
> be easier for more people to contribute than what we have now.  That all
> being said, I'll be travelling a bit, so this may appear in pieces.    Help
> would be outstanding.
> If we commit to having something done a bit more quickly rather than trying
> to get it perfect, and perhaps we get further this time, and over time we
> can clean up what's there.    Folks should know if they do a checkout in
> these early days of such an effort, the modules may not remain compatible
> and they should suspect a "git rebase" to break them.   Over time, we can
> move that towards being more consistent.
> So say we all?
> --Michael
> --
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