On 3 February 2010 21:04, Julian Simpson <simpsonjul...@gmail.com> wrote:
Can we start by grafting together everyone's modules and trying to
namespace them?

Has there been any discussion of bundling some common modules in the
puppet distribution?  It might help people get up to speed faster.

I don't think we'd want to bundle modules into core - let's keep that lean and 
mean - I do think it'd be good to bundle the capability of pull common modules 
into a Puppet installation.

Something like a rake task (or perhaps in the Dashboard).

$ rake pull apache

That clones a repository containing the common Apache module.


James Turnbull

Author of:
* Pro Linux System Administration (http://tinyurl.com/linuxadmin)
* Pulling Strings with Puppet (http://tinyurl.com/pupbook)
* Pro Nagios 2.0 (http://tinyurl.com/pronagios)
* Hardening Linux (http://tinyurl.com/hardeninglinux)

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