Thanks for feedback, > > 3- FROM WIKI: Operating system differences should be specified in > > variables in a case at the start of the module, as follows: > > class ssh::server { > > case $operatingsystem { > > "freebsd","openbsd": { > > $sshservice = "sshd" > > } > > debian: { > > $sshservice = "ssh" > > } > > } > > # use a constant title to facilitate stable relations > > service { "ssh::server": > > name => $sshservice, > > ensure => running, > > enable => true, > > } > > } > > +1, that's what I use usually > > > I personally prefer something like (not avoid unnecessary internal > > variables in modules): > > class ssh::server { > > service { "ssh::server": > > name => $operatingsystem ? { > > debian => "ssh", > > default => "sshd", > > } > > ensure => running, > > enable => true, > > } > > } > > > but that affects the class internals and is not relevant for the name > > itself. > > I still prefer the former as OS differences are encapsulated in one place. > This one may be better for really small differences.
Well, you generally have different values for package/service names and configuration files paths. When differences are wide enough (IE: apache) point 4 is definitively the best, but in most cases I find the above variations more clear if defined where they are used. But this is really a matter of taste, and doesn't affect the general logic (no need for separated modules when differences are few). > > 5- Specific variations on the normal behaviour of an application > > should be specified as subclasses (IE: samba::pdc or samba::ldap) > > How does that relate to ::server and ::client above? E.g. if samba::pdc > implies samba::server wouldn't it be better if it was samba::server::pdc? Ya, you're are right. If there is a samba::server there should be a samba::server::pdc. > > 7- PROPOSAL for general class configuration define (based on augeas or > > other inline modificators) > > define ssh::config ($value) { > > > # Augeas version. > > augeas { > > "sshd_config_$name": > > context => $operatingsystem ? { > > default => "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config", > > }, > > changes => "set $name $value", > > onlyif => "get $name != $value", > > # onlyif => "match $name/*[.='$value'] size == 0", > > } > > > # Davids' replaceline version (to fix) > > # replaceline { > > # "sshd_config_$name": > > # file => "/etc/ssh/sshd_config", > > # pattern => "$name", > > # replacement => "^$name $value", > > # } > > } > > > This define can be used in a class like > > class ssh::eal4 { > > > # Cripto settings > > ssh::config { Protocol: > > value => "2", > > } > > > ssh::config { Ciphers: > > value => "3des-cbc", > > } > > > # X11 forwarding (You MAY allow) > > ssh::config { X11Forwarding: > > value => "no", > > } > > [....] > > } > > This makes sense, one problem with that however is that this creates a > resource for each option. So AFAIK for augeas that means the code (opening > the file, trying and appying changes) will be executed as many times as you > have options. > > Perhaps when hashes are available using them to map (key, value) pairs to > augeas set commands would make sense. That's a point, but it actually doesn't affect the naming convention, but how singular lines modifications are implemented. At the moment I prefer to use augeas on a puppet generated file of "augeas commands", that is served as a file resource and subscribes an exec that runs augeas using that file as a "source" (this has the advantage that you can use augeas on a file in an arbitrary path, which is currently still not possibile, even if a patch on the augeas type for this is already done and ready the the next release). In any case, HOW you manage to get the line configured is not what I wanted to discuss (even if this is always a very interesting and challenging topic), I just seek for naming standards ;-) > > 8- PROPOSAL (don't think it will be widely liked): Variables names > > needed for module configuration (the ones used in templates, for > > example) should have a my_ prefix, in order to easily distinguish them > > from fact variables. > > Yeah, not really ;) I do however use ${APPNAME}_ or ${CLASSNAME}_ prefix for > variables which a class treats as parameters. I retire my proposal. What you've written, and DavidS has confirmed, is probaly more suitable (and it's actually what I used to do, some time ago :-! ) All the best al -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at