We're in the process of testing a very long overdue upgrade of our 
puppetmaster from 0.22.4 to 0.24.8 to facilitate upgrading our Puppet 
clients later. Because the system where puppetmasterd is installed must 
also have it's puppetd upgraded, we've run into an issue with a pattern 
commonly used in our Puppet manifests such as the following: file { 
"/etc/sysctl.conf": owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 444, 
source => [ "puppet://$server/kernel/sysctl.conf.$hostname" ] } where we 
needed to manage the contents of /etc/sysctl.conf on a few of our 
systems but were not ready to declare that file to be "pristine" (and 
thus ready for a generic copy of the file) on all other hosts. This was 
achieved by not creating sysctl.conf.alpha or sysctl.conf.beta files and 
leaving out an "ensure" parameter, thus having no source for the 
resource is not considered an error. On a test system with an upgraded 
puppetmasterd and upgraded puppetd, we are getting errors such as the 
following: Jul 20 20:36:42 beta puppetd[30414]: 
(//Node[genericunixserver]/kernel/File[/etc/sysctl.conf]) Failed to 
retrieve current state of resource: No specified source was found from 
puppet:///kernel/sysctl.conf.beta and we'd like to restore the previous 
behavior of /etc/sysctl.conf only being managed on systems we provide a 
matching entry for in the "source" parameter. A admittedly brief check 
of the type reference didn't seem to reveal any obvious leads. Is anyone 
else using this kind of pattern and if so, how are you implementing it? 
-- David R. Sowder, Linux Systems Admin (Software Systems Specialist II) 
Office of Information Technology, University of Texas at Arlington Work: 
817-272-1081 dav...@uta.edu http://www.uta.edu/

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