Hi Mike,

I'm not sure if your after puppet-specific methods, or just general
systems for this?

When we set up our load balancing and  DR, we preferred to keep it
simple, the methods used are outlined below.

1) Site code - This is managed but subversion, we maintain separate
repositories for testing and production environments - when a change is
ready to go live it is merged into the stable codebase. 
    -    To then update the production servers, a number of methods are
        1) For minor updates, there is a nightly cronjob that updates
all the live servers, and DR setup
        2) For critical fixes. I usually use cssh to trigger the update
immediately, alternatively we have an authenticating email daemon that
can be used to trigger the update cron at any time.

    - For user contributed files (ie image/video uploads, pdf
attachments etc) We use a centralised SAN store for the upload
locations. All uploads are also written to a temporary location and then
rsync'd to the DR location every 15 minutes.

    - For SQL - we use MySQL replication, in a Master-Master setup
between live and DR locations, with each master then having slaves to
balance the load



-----Original Message-----
From: drmikecrowe <drmikecr...@gmail.com>
Reply-to: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
To: Puppet Users <puppet-users@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [Puppet Users] POLL: Migrating web changes across load-balanced
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 14:05:24 -0700 (PDT)

Hi folks,

I'm polling the group to see what some basic techniques are that
people use to migrate web sites to load-balanced servers.

In the past, IRC folks have mentioned rsysnc as the way.

I'm specifically curious if people are:

1) Letting puppet MD5 a website via a file{} tag?  Could that be done?
2) Using version control somehow?  I've been toying with creating a
mercurial plugin somehow.  If you push some changes to a production
machine, you can configure mercurial to auto-update.

What's some ideas?  Any pointers?


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