On Jan 23, 2009, at 4:20 AM, Marce wrote:

> 2008/10/6 udo waechter <udo.waech...@uni-osnabrueck.de>:
>> Ah,
>> I see an error in my reasoning here:
>> On 06.10.2008, at 20:36, udo waechter wrote:
>>> What comes to my mind now, is that I can do a hack and replace:
>>>               @@file{"queue-template-${name_real}":
>>>                       path =>
>>> "${sge_collects}/queue.template-${name_real}",
>>>                            ensure => $ensure,
>>>                            tag => "sge_queue_template",
>>>                            content => template("sge/ 
>>> queue.template.erb"),
>>>                            notify =>  Exec["sge_queue_exec"],
>>>               }
>>> above with:
>>>               $queue_template_content =
>>> template("sge/queue.template.erb")
>>>               @@exec{"queue-template-${name_real}-${hostname}":
>>>                       command => "cat ${quue_template_content} >
>>> ${sge_collects}/queue.template-${name_real}",
>>>                       onlyif => "test ! -e
>>> ${sge_collects}/queue.template-${name_real}",
>>>                            tag => "sge_queue_template",
>>>                            notify =>  Exec["sge_queue_exec"],
>>>               }
>>> This would still export the exec multiple times, but it would get  
>>> executed
>>> only once due to the "onlyif" parameter.
>>> I do this already in the "define sge::queue". I do not like it  
>>> though
>>> since it is a hack. But alas, at least it would work I guess.
>> If some parameters in the define change, the template's content  
>> changes.
>> This is not reflected in the exec above, since the file already  
>> exists....
>> What makes this approach unusable is that the created file is  
>> empty. The
>> content of the template is not available on the collecting host. This
>> somehow is clear. I should have thought earlier about this....
>> udo.
>> --
>> :: udo waechter - r...@zoide.net :: N 52º16'30.5" E 8º3'10.1"
>> :: genuine input for your ears: http://auriculabovinari.de
>> ::                          your eyes: http://ezag.zoide.net
>> ::                          your brain: http://zoide.net
> Sorry if this post have been closed, but I have a similar trouble with
> the configuration of SGE and Puppet.
> I'm trying to create a class for all nodes, the same class. On it, I
> must install SGE, with the command inst_sge. This command (localized
> in $SGE_ROOT), can install automaticaly a node, with several
> parameters, i.e -x (for an exec host), -m (for a master host)..etc.
> The class is:
> class sge{
>        file{"/tmp/sge.conf":
>                source => "puppet://cobbler.cica.es/files/sge.conf",
>                owner => root,
>                group => root,
>                force => true,
>                mode => 755,
>                path => "/tmp/sge.conf"
>        }
> }
>       exec{"sge_install":
>                command => "inst_sge -x -auto /tmp/sge.conf",
>                path => "/home/sge/"
>        }
> }
> But, there is no result... Has anyone install SGE with this option? Or
> I have to install manually SGE and configure it with puppet, after the
> installation?

Are you including the class on all of your nodes?

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.
     -- Henry J. Tillman
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