On 03.10.2008, at 19:15, Luke Kanies wrote:

On Oct 3, 2008, at 4:37 AM, udo waechter wrote:

I would like to know how I could have many hosts export the
"same" (as in identical) resource. Is this possible?

As with non-exported resources, you can't have multiple instances of
the same resource.  How would it even make sense to have multiple
hosts trying to create the same file on a given machine?  Who would
Well, in this case I have one host that is the "master". Some or all
of the other hosts might need to trigger a certain configuration on
the "master".
This special case here is: Create a file that represents a template
for a queue. A queue might contain one host, or many.
I do not want to configure this resource on two hosts (the master
and all clients), but only on one (i.e. the "clients").

In this case there would be "at least one host" who configures (one
file on) another host. The question that I have still remains. Is
this somehow possible?

I'm still unclear on exactly what you're trying to do -- are you
trying to get information from each generating host into the file?  If
so, use file fragments and join them on the server.

If not, can you explain more clearly?

Sorry for the unclearness. The content of the file on the server is the same, no matter which host exports it. There might be more of these files (for different queues, and then with different content). I do want to configure queues for the Sun Grid Engine. For this I need a template on the Gridmaster host. Hosts can be members of different queues (at least one). Each of the queues will be configured by exactly one template.

What I want to achieve is: Have a define (called "sge::queue", see my initial post on this topic) that is called on a (at least one) host.

for example

node client1, client2, client3{
        sge::queue{"testqueue": ....}

This should result in a file on the Gridmaster: queue.template_testqueue that contains the configuration for the queue (the "template" mentioned above.) This template is then used by the gridmaster to configure the "testqueue"-queue. Since more than one host can be in the testqueue, the "define sge::queue" would try to create the template more than once.

I can not create the template once on the gridmaster, since I do not know how many hosts are in a queue beforehand.

I need this as a file, since the tools to configure the grid engine allow me to manage queues only by such a file. I can not set parameters directly.

I have classes called sge::exechost and sge::submithost and sge::master that do configure execution hosts (those that compute stuff), submit hosts (those that can submit jobs) and the master host, that manages the grid engine and does the scheduling of jobs.

A execution host has to be the member of at least one queue.

I hope that things are clearer now.
Thanks again,

:: udo waechter - [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: N 52º16'30.5" E 8º3'10.1"
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