Preferably ssh and with terminal emulation supported so a screen editor
can be used during the login session.

Does the Sharp Zaurus support this?


On Fri, 2003-08-08 at 10:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ssh? VPN? terminal?... mmmhh... All can be done with linux, and Sharp has a
> Linux based PDA called Zaurus.
> Michael Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> con fecha
> 08/08/2003 16:02:00
> Por favor, responda a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado por:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Destinatarios:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> CC:
> Asunto:     What's the status of PDA secure remote access?
> I'm looking for a secure PDA solution that allows me to open a secure,
> remote command line login to my Linux servers. I have specific need to
> be satisfied (listed below). I did some research into this, 7 months
> ago, and found that no vendor offered an adequate solution ... but that
> each of the major vendors were at that time working on "emerging"
> technology that *would* satisfy the solution.
> Anyone know of a solution that satisfies the following criteria for the
> remote login process:
> 1. point to point encryption (ssh) with some sort of ssh client on the
> PDA and an ssh server on the server
> 2. supports terminal emulation and the vi editor (being able to open and
> edit text files during the remote login)
> 3. wide area coverage. In other words, if my system administrator is
> stuck in traffic 30 miles out, she can use her PDA to log in to her
> server
> Thank you -
> p.s. If you are a vendor with a solution, please contact me.
> --
> Michael Martinez
> Linux System Administrator
> United States Department of Agriculture
> --
> Psyche-list mailing list
> -- 
> Psyche-list mailing list
Michael Martinez
Linux System Administrator

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