On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 10:02:00AM -0400, Michael Martinez wrote:
> I'm looking for a secure PDA solution that allows me to open a secure,
> remote command line login to my Linux servers. I have specific need to
> be satisfied (listed below). I did some research into this, 7 months
> ago, and found that no vendor offered an adequate solution ... but that
> each of the major vendors were at that time working on "emerging"
> technology that *would* satisfy the solution. 
> Anyone know of a solution that satisfies the following criteria for the
> remote login process:
> 1. point to point encryption (ssh) with some sort of ssh client on the
> PDA and an ssh server on the server
> 2. supports terminal emulation and the vi editor (being able to open and
> edit text files during the remote login)
> 3. wide area coverage. In other words, if my system administrator is
> stuck in traffic 30 miles out, she can use her PDA to log in to her
> server

Sharp Zaurus, and possibly an IR keyboard from Pocketop (so one can type at
a reasonable speed) will likely do what you need.

I have a Zaurus SL-5500 with a WiFi card, as well as a serial cable for my
cell phone.  If I have WiFi access, I use that, otherwise, there's
the painfully slow 14.4K modem connection, which I can use to connect to
the office, or Verizon's ISP service -- horribly slow, but it works "anywhere."

By installing/upgrading packages on the Zaurus, one can use any of ssh, IPsec,
PPTP, etc.  There are several different terminal emulators that provide tabbed
windows, so managing multiple sessions is simple.


        Bill Rugolsky

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