Why can't a user issue the following commands using sudo? It always comes back as permission denied. The sudoer's password is accepted.
sudo cat ./httpd.tmp >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
In this example, two things are happening:
1) sudo authenticates the user and runs "cat ./httpd.tmp" as root
2) the user's shell attempts to open /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and write the output of "sudo" into that file.
Redirection is not handled by "sudo", or any other command you run: it's a function of the shell in which the redirection was requested. Naturally, you can't sudo that. You can however, accomplish what you want this way:
cat ./httpd.tmp | sudo dd if=/dev/stdin of=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf ( useless use of cat, primarily intended to display the use of /dev/stdin )
or more simply:
sudo dd if=./httpd.tmp of=/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
dd, unlike the shell, will do redirection in a command that can be evoked from sudo.
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