I'm installing Oracle and the Oracle install docs say to modify a couple
of header files for shared memory and semaphores, then rebuild the
kernel.  On Solaris, this type of change is done in the /etc/systems
file followed by a reboot.  Hint, hint kernel guys...

A few questions:
Do I really have to build a new kernel?  

I read the README in /usr/src/linux and it said basically three steps:
        1. make config
        2. make dep
        3. make bzImage
I know there might be some more customization to do and there was
mention of make modules and make modules_install if I am doing module
stuff.  But what I really want to start with is build the same kernel
redhat releases.  Is that just taking the defaults in make config and
doing steps 2 and 3?

What happens if I start dropping things like no IPX support or limit the
number of disk or NIC types?  I can predict my hardware, I understand it
limits flexibility for future hardware changes.  What does it do to
kernel size and speed?  Comments on whether this type of pruning is
worth it?

Normally I'd just test this out on my junk machine (gotta love vmware)
but I don't really have time to experiment with this project.
Appreciate your help and advice.

Dana Bourgeois

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