Thanks Rick Forrister and Michael Martinez for your

I guess that in the linux part there is no problem.
I put the installation cd and get in on rescue mode
it told me about a 'chroot /mnt/sysimage'
and do the changes..  

I did this but nothing else.. when I rebooted it load
windoze again.     how can i repair the lilo?

 --- Rick Forrister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > On
Mon, 14 Jul 2003 16:19:01 +0200 (CEST)
> Alexis Vasquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Used to have dual booting    RHL7.3/W98 
> > the window$ get damage, so I reinstalled.
> > now lilo doens't boot.   I guess with rescue mode
> I
> > can fix this, but I would like change to RH8.0/w2k
> > 
> > Q.  If I upgrade linux without changing partitions
> > size  could this compromise what I have.
> > 
> > concern about the filesystem type..
> I'm currently running w2k & RH 9.0 (formerly 8.0)
> with no problems.  Your partitions shouldn't be an
> issue, however I've had complete success by doing
> the following:
> 1.  Back up the data in both w2k & RH that you
> really want to save.
> 2.  If you want to make any partition changes for
> w2k, then erase all partitions and make a new w2k
> partition.
> 3.  Install w2k
> 4.  Install RH.
> In any case, it's generally far better to install
> w2k first into it's partition, then install RH. 
> Grub bootloader will work fine for this, you don't
> need any special tools.  BE SURE TO MAKE A BOOT
> FLOPPY IN LINUX!  This will prevent any future
> problems when (not if) you have to reinstall a
> windows product, as you can boot with the floppy and
> just run grub again.
> HIH!
>  rickf
> -- 
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