----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Randy Kelsoe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 3:43 AM
Subject: Re: newbie

> Callan K L Tham wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >On Thursday 26 June 2003 01:31, Craig White wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I don't recall ever reading about any order of things.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Looks like we're running into a problem here. The original thread, titled
> >simply "Hi" was posted by Adrian started on 22nd June, and only I responded.
> >This happened all the way till 25th June. I'm not sure why no one responded
> >to him, but I wonder if everyone on the list got the mails, cos only another
> >person responded besides me.
> >
> >Did eveyone get those mails?
> >
> >Callan
> >
> >
> I received the original email, but since the subject was "hi",  I
> figured it was either spam, or possibly a virus. I did not even open the
> original email.
== Funny, he always usews HI, brief

> I hope the original poster will realize that this list is archived, and
> that the subject line is important to people who are searching for
> solutions to similar problems.
== No the man did not know this, but if so he has no doubt some newbies will say AMEN 
to what he writes.
Should he use topic relevant subject headings? So far he does not know how.

> I'm using mozilla mail, so html is not a problem for me, but a lot of
> the people that can be helpful either filter out html posts, or ignore
> html altogether. Moral: If you want help on this list, post in plain text.
== He also uses Mozilla, hating Iexplorer, but is still stuck in winsleaze.  
Spybotsd12 found 8 snoopies
hidden inside iExplorer, yuck.  As far as he knows he writes in text, but WinMozilla 
may have other


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