On Monday 24 February 2003 09:26, Cliff Sarginson wrote:
> Hello,
> I am still getting used to the Redhat way so to speak..
> What is the general procedure if you want a new version of something.
> An example: I am setting up a new server with RH, I installed
> spamassassin, but of course got the version current at the time the iso
> was made.
> I want the latest version. Do people generally get this from the
> originating site..I notice RH RPM's are commonly available there, or is
> there somewhere/way that it can be/should be done vie RH itself ?
> I obviously want to follow the best practise with not hybridising my
> installation too much.

up2date --register
up2date spamassassin

This assumes that Red Hat has deemed there to be a good enough reason to push 
out a new version of spamass.

Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE
Mondo DevTeam (www.mondorescue.org)

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