you can use rhn for keep your system updated .. it's come with rh8...
or use apt-get tool .. (i like most)
after installed apt, simply do it: apt-get update (to retrive the lasted packages) apt-get upgrade (to install them) ot apt-get install any-package
Cliff Sarginson wrote:
Hello, I am still getting used to the Redhat way so to speak.. What is the general procedure if you want a new version of something. An example: I am setting up a new server with RH, I installed spamassassin, but of course got the version current at the time the iso was made. I want the latest version. Do people generally get this from the originating site..I notice RH RPM's are commonly available there, or is there somewhere/way that it can be/should be done vie RH itself ?
I obviously want to follow the best practise with not hybridising my installation too much.
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