On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 12:09, Mariano Wahlmann wrote:
> Hi, 
> With the symptoms that you are describing, i think that lpc is stoped
> or something similar, try the following command (as root): 
> lpc start 

I had tried that, thanks. I tried again just to be sure and it's still
not working. I submitted a test job from redhat-config-printer and saw

# lpq
Printer: hplj4@olympus
 Queue: no printable jobs in queue
 Server: no server active
 Status: job 'root@olympus+25' saved at 13:02:58.969
 Rank   Owner/ID                  Class Job Files                 Size
done   root@olympus+25              A    25 /usr/share/printconf 18255

Nothing printing...just sits there...It says it's "done" though...

Hmmm...I just looked in /var/spool/lpd/hplj4 and found the lpq.0 file:
there is an error message in there:

Status: IF filter 'mf_wrapper' filter msg - 'error closing *main::STDOUT
at /usr/sbin/lpdomatic line 812, <KID4_IN> line 672.' at 13:02:58.929

Is this something to do with it not printing? I can send the rest of the
file if needs be. (Sorry, I'm not very good at printing).

> if this not solve your problems, reply with the contents of
> /etc/printcap. 
Here's my printcap. It's autogenerated by redhat-config-printer:


# service lpd status
lpd (pid 17787) is running...
# ps -elf | grep lpd
040 S lp       17787     1  0  75   0    -  1250 schedu 00:35 ?       
00:00:00 lpd Waiting
100 S root     20057 19471  0  76   0    -   912 pipe_w 13:04 pts/0   
00:00:00 grep lpd

What does 'lpd Waiting' mean (above)? Is that normal?

# lsmod
parport_pc             19108   1  (autoclean)
lp                      8996   0  (autoclean)
parport                37152   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]

thanks for you help BTW.


> Good Luck. 
>         When I start redhat-config-printer I get the following errors
on the
>         console:
>         ---8<---
>         (redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
invalid cast
>         from (NULL) pointer to `GObject'
>         (redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
>         gobject.c: line 972 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT
>         failed
>         (redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
invalid cast
>         from (NULL) pointer to `GObject'
>         (redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **:
>         gobject.c: line 972 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT
>         failed
>         ---8<---
>         Although I get the errors above the utility seems to work OK
and it
>         configures a /etc/printcap.
>         I must have a hole in my head because I can't work this
out...Any help
>         is appreciated.
>         Regards,
>         Tom
>         On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 16:35, Thomas Robinson wrote:
>         > Hi,
>         > 
>         > I've upgraded to Red Hat 8.0 and now I can't configure a
>         > printer. Previously I had both a local and a samba printer
>         > perfectly. Now when I use redhat-config-printer, the
configured printer
>         > will print neither an ASCII nor a postscript test page. I
can't print
>         > from the command-line either. Here are some of the packages
I have
>         > installed on my system:
>         > 
>         > ghostscript-7.05-20
>         > ghostscript-fonts-5.50-7
>         > redhat-config-printer-0.4.24-1
>         > foomatic-1.9-1.20020617.6
>         > Omni-foomatic-0.7.0-6
>         > Omni-0.7.0-6
>         > 
>         > The local printer is a HP Laserjet 4. I have used the
'ljet4' driver
>         > from the database. The samba printer is a HP 2000C.
>         > 
>         > The 'gs -h' command shows the 'ljet4' driver but not the
>         > 
>         > Am I missing some packages or have I got something else
wrong? I'm
>         > really stuck here. Can someone tell me what other
information you need
>         > to know and I will send it. Can someone please help?
>         > 
>         > Thanks and regards,
>         > 
>         > Tom
>         > 
>         > --
>         > 
>         > Every time I think I know where it's at, they move it.
>         > 
>         > --
>         --
>         Is this really happening?
>         -- 
>         Psyche-list mailing list
> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list
> Mariano Agustín Wahlmann
> Administrador Red Ifeva 
> T.E.: 4524-8070 (int. 8108) 
> Av. San Martín 4453 


You know you've been sitting in front of your Lisp machine too long when
you go out to the junk food machine and start wondering how to make it
give you the CADR of Item H so you can get that yummie chocolate cupcake
that's stuck behind the disgusting vanilla one.

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