With the symptoms that you are describing, i think that lpc is stoped or something similar, try the following command (as root):
lpc start

if this not solve your problems, reply with the contents of /etc/printcap.

Good Luck.

When I start redhat-config-printer I get the following errors on the
(redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast
from (NULL) pointer to `GObject'

(redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: file
gobject.c: line 972 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)'

(redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast
from (NULL) pointer to `GObject'

(redhat-config-printer-gui:17616): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: file
gobject.c: line 972 (g_object_get): assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)'

Although I get the errors above the utility seems to work OK and it
configures a /etc/printcap.

I must have a hole in my head because I can't work this out...Any help
is appreciated.



On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 16:35, Thomas Robinson wrote:

> Hi,
> I've upgraded to Red Hat 8.0 and now I can't configure a working
> printer. Previously I had both a local and a samba printer working
> perfectly. Now when I use redhat-config-printer, the configured printer
> will print neither an ASCII nor a postscript test page. I can't print
> from the command-line either. Here are some of the packages I have
> installed on my system:
> ghostscript-7.05-20
> ghostscript-fonts-5.50-7
> redhat-config-printer-0.4.24-1
> foomatic-1.9-1.20020617.6
> Omni-foomatic-0.7.0-6
> Omni-0.7.0-6
> The local printer is a HP Laserjet 4. I have used the 'ljet4' driver
> from the database. The samba printer is a HP 2000C.
> The 'gs -h' command shows the 'ljet4' driver but not the 2000C.
> Am I missing some packages or have I got something else wrong? I'm
> really stuck here. Can someone tell me what other information you need
> to know and I will send it. Can someone please help?
> Thanks and regards,
> Tom
> --
> Every time I think I know where it's at, they move it.
> --

Is this really happening?

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