On Mon, 2003-02-17 at 15:43, Dimitri Deserranno wrote:
> Hi,
> could someone describe how to correctly setup FTP server for local LAN access?
> I must be doing something wrong since I get "connection refused" when 
> trying to connect via WS_FTP, passive mode.
> Thanks,
> Dimi.
> PS. Currently my firewall settings are high, but when I try to change that, 
> the changes are not effective. Meaning, if I change the settings (for 
> example to medium), quit and then go back, the settings are still high.

If RedHat's GUI front-end isn't working, you can directly edit
/etc/sysconfig/iptables, and add the appropriate rule to allow traffic
on port 21. It appears that I have the same problem, if I set my
security settings to High. If I set them to Medium, then I can add
custom rules and it works. You might want to try this before editing the
file directly.

It should look something like this, but use your own IP network, and it
should all be on one line:

-A RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 21 --syn

Dave Sherman
"If we wanted you to understand it, we wouldn't call it code."

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