Dimitri Deserranno wrote:
> That sounds just like me. I guess there is nothing else to do besides 
> working with less than 2Gb, right? Any experiences with 1.5Gb? Are your 
> stable systems also dual Athlons? What system would you recommend for 2Gb RAM
> ?
> At 01:39 PM 2/16/2003 -0600, you wrote:
> > >>>>> "DD" == Dimitri Deserranno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >DD> However, with 2Gb RAM my system locks up during the install.
> >
> >I have three dual Athlon systems which are stable with 1GB of RAM but
> >will lock up randomly with 2GB.  I have other systems which are
> >perfectly stable with 2GB.  Linux is fine; the hardware is just
> >unstable.

I have two dual Athlon systems with 2GB and have had no stability issues
with RedHat 8.0 (or 7.3 or 7.2).  


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