On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 14:07, Scott Taylor wrote:

> I'm curious...do you have to be in some special club to get your email posts 

        No, but if you post html messages it's likely they will not be seen by
many (if not most) of the people in here.  Set your mail client to post
in text only and wrap your lines at something reasonable.
> I have submitted a post several times about power management and have not got one 
>answer. Getting the system to boot I would have thought was straight forward for the 
>non-newbies and is clearly quite a critical problem.

        I do not know the answer to your problem and it's likely that some
others don't either.  Between the html email and people not having an
answer for you, well, there you go.

"It's time to KISS your BOT goodBYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!"
                -- Metabee, 'Medabots'

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