On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 13:07, Scott Taylor wrote: > I'm curious...do you have to be in some special club to get your email posts >answered. > > I have submitted a post several times about power management and have not got one >answer. Getting the system to boot I would have thought was straight forward for the >non-newbies and is clearly quite a critical problem. > > My problem arose from a standard install and resulted in my system not booting >further than: > > INIT: 2.84 booting... > > I have found a line to add to /etc/grub.conf which got me booting, but now it won't >power down completely. > > Please...Linux didn't get where it is today by people avoiding each other
Scott, There are several reasons why you might not have received any answers: 1. You are sending HTML email. This is considered a no-no for discussion lists, as many people use text-only mail clients and can't properly read HTML unless they save it as a file and open it in a browser -- not very likely, eh? 2. You haven't given us much information about what hardware you are running, what "line" you added to grub.conf, and what other steps you might have taken. It is difficult to help when so little information is provided. 3. Maybe nobody else has run into this problem, and therefore has nothing to say. I fall into this camp. Remember, this is a users' list, not an official support list. RedHat people occasionally read it, but they are not bound to provide any kind of official support through this list. The rest of us are all just users like yourself, some more advanced than others, but all of us can only post responses as we have the time. Be patient. Be persistent. And provide as much information as possible, including any specific analysis/troubeshooting steps you may have taken. -- Dave Sherman MCSE, MCSA, CCNA "If we wanted you to understand it, we wouldn't call it code." -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list