> I'm talking about the functionality, not a specific program :)
Is there a way to use signed messages between the platforms ?, i would
like to use it in our company.

> > > I just select the content, paste it to a file, and then verify/decrypt.
> > It's a idee
> > > 
> > > And evolution doesn't screw my emails either...
> > Well it dit. I dit a cut and paste from a older mail into a new one and
> > it ended empty on this list, not once but several times !!
> > I send some e-mails to friends as test and the were good. It was just
> > that e-mail to this list, wy ??
> > When i typed it over it went well.
> I don't know... I never experienced such weird behaviour... are you sure
> you're only using stable versions of software (system, X, ... and
> evolution)?
I never uses unstable version my knowledge is not good enough to play
around. RH 7.3 and  Evolution 1.2.1 
I must say i have rebooted my computer after the problems, and hope its
a one time event, it never happend before.

> Rui
Knowledge in a databank,is like food which is in a deepfreeze.
Nothing comes out better than what is initially put in.

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