
I have search the website of gnupg.org, ximain.org, but found no

I have a friend who send me e-mails digital signed with pgp 8.0 from
outlook on a Windows 200 or XP pc.
I have his public key imported into ggp 1.2.1 (can send hem encrypted
messages), but i can't check his digital signature.

My computer RH 7.3 and evolution 1.2.1 and gpg 1.2.1

I have tried the evolution list but no answers.

Knowledge in a databank,is like food which is in a deepfreeze.
Nothing comes out better than what is initially put in.

PGP Key: http://users.pandora.be/rivendell/marquetp.gpg
Registered Linux User #44550 http://counter.li.org

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Dit berichtdeel is digitaal gesigneerd

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