On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 08:15, Keith Winston wrote:

> Exactly.  This has be me questioning my recent decision to move to Red 
> Hat from another distro.  If they want everyone to move to more 
> expensive products (like Advanced Server), I think they will be 
> disappointed.  For a large business, AS makes sense, but not for small 
> businesses or individuals.  I'm surprised there are not more comments 
> about this on the list.

        I'm not surprised.  This is really a non-issue as the support policy
hasn't changed.  It's just been clarified.  I don't see anything
significantly different from what it's been for a while now.

"It's time to KISS your BOT goodBYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!"
                -- Metabee, 'Medabots'

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