On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Jesse Keating wrote:

> On Tuesday 28 January 2003 02:29, Denice uttered:
> > By these measures the support for 7.3 might end in a few months.  Okay,
> > probably longer if you argue what this phrase means:
> >
> >  "Beginning with the 8.0 release, Red Hat will provide errata maintenance
> >   for at least 12 months from the date of initial release."
> >
> > But one year is just too short when I think of the differences between 7.3
> > and 8.0..  Red Hat _still_ hasn't produced a patch for PHP that would make
> > the combination of apache2 and php a stable combination on 8.0.  This makes
> > 8.0 in MY books unsuitable for a heavy duty apache-php web server  -- and
> > as we all know there are a _lot_ of small red hat web servers out there...
> >
> > One year is just too short.  So why make official statements that imply
> > that it could happen?  Red Hat will-be-flamed/is-being flamed for this --
> > and deservedly so.
> Did you even read the page, where it stated that certian popular releases may 
> see longer support periods?

Yes I read the page.  I suppose that they mean 'the last point release' when
they refer to 'certain popular releases'.  So why not just say it and allay
peoples fears (real or imagined)?  I'm pretty sure that it would correspond
to the real-life situation anyway.   I don't think anyone expects Red Hat to
support versions for as long as they supported 5.2, for example.  But two
years for the last point release would be reasonable.

> BTW, what doesn't work for you wrt php and apache2?

Various things like turning on safe_mode, not to mention trying to have
different php security settings for different virtual hosts.

If you take the php source rpm and build it, you will see clearly in the 
output that the PHPistas do not recommend that version of PHP with apache2.


denice.deatrich @ epfl.ch, DSC / LTHC-LTHI, E.P.F.L.   PH: +41 (21) 693 76 67
<*> This moment's fortune cookie:
Excellent time to become a missing person.

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