Thanks for the reply Chris,

The modem works, I just updated the firmware two days ago so I doubt
there is a newer version.  It works perfect on the XP computer with
Internet Explorer.  On Linux it comes up as it should, it displays the
incoming and outgoing access logs as it should. Those windows popup as
they should.  In Windows, the DHCP Client list shows up as it should,
but not in Linux.  This is what has me puzzled.  If no windows were
coming up in Linux, I would have had a different approach to the
question, but only the DHCP client list does not show up.  I have
changed settings, looked at all settings, I have released and renewed
the dhcp settings to the ISP, I have cleared all the private port
filters and changed the DMZ (not to the Linux computer, dmz is being
bombarded by port 137 attacks).  Everything seems to work, but that one
feature and only in mozilla.

I am not sure what to do at this point.  I have all the latest updates
on up2date from Redhat (I have the automatic notification feature and it
has the green check now.)

At least knowing you have a working version helps to know it isn't a
compatibility problem.  Now that that's ruled out, I can look down
another path for the problem.

Thanks again


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Christopher M. Taylor
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: linksys and mozilla

        I too run RH8 with a Linksys BEFW11S4, and I don't have a
accessing it through my Linux machine.  I'd make sure to update the
firmware on it, then try shutting down your network, bringing up your
modem first (if you've got cable, etc), then the router, then finally
your Linux PC.  I'd also make sure that you're putting in the correct IP
address to hit the router (with a Linksys, I believe it's 
What does it do when you put in that IP?


On Mon, 2003-01-27 at 09:08, Dave Sherman wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 21:29, Buck wrote:
> > My Linksys router is accessed by through my web browser.  When I go
> > the router and select: DHCP Clients Table, it fails to popup the
> > of dhcp clients.
> > 
> > The popup windows work well for the incoming and outgoing access
> > 
> > Any advice?
> I have the Linksys wireless router/switch (model BEFW11S4), and all
> popup windows work fine in Mozilla 1.0.1 and 1.2.1 for Linux. Someone
> else pointed out that you might have JavaScript popup windows
> but that is only for unrequested windows, which does not apply here
> (when you click the button, you are requesting the popup).
> Perhaps the HTML/JavaScript is badly written, and Mozilla doesn't like
> it?
> Do you know for certain that there are any DHCP clients currently
> registered? Maybe the router will only popup a window if it has
> something to show...
> Is your Linksys firmware up to date?
> Just some thoughts.
> -- 
> Dave Sherman
> "If we wanted you to understand it, we wouldn't call it code."

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