Dennis, Craig,
I think you are being entirely too hard on Buck.  I am a
newbie too and his questions are interesting to me.  I was
under the impression that most Guru's agree that the most
important next step for Linux was to be the desk top
preferred system.  Telling the FNG to study the
documentation (which is, at best, helter skelter) in detail
before asking does not help to bring in the average user.
Bare with us.
Bob McLaughlin

>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
>Craig White
>Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 9:48 AM
>Subject: RE: linksys and mozilla
>I'll sound off here on a few things.
>First of all, Mozilla has the ability to supress
>pop-up windows. I would
>bet that you have that preference checked. It
>isn't a matter that
>Mozilla doesn't work with the Linksys routers
>configuration panel, it
>does and I have used Mozilla to configure many of
>them. It's the fact
>that you don't make enough effort to understand
>the software that you
>are using.
>While we are on the subject of making effort, I
>for one have watched you
>ask question after question and demonstrating
>little if any effort at
>doing research on the topic yourself. That does
>strike me as a bit
>unfair so I have let other people handle your
>questions and will
>continue to do so until you demonstrate your own
>efforts at research and
>While we are on this topic...may I suggest that
>you familiarize yourself
>with this page...
>And lastly, I would recommend
><> for people that
>are wanna be administrators of linux systems so
>they can click through
>settings and never understand what they are doing,
>just as many are
>doing on Windows NT. It's an even more powerful
>tool when you learn
>how/where/why the settings are that webmin changes.

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