Test the mailserver with the command

cat message.txt | mail -f [EMAIL PROTECTED]

User the Perl sendmail mail wrapper to send the mail.

> --Luke
> --Computer Science Sysadmin, MSU Bozeman 
> --admin(AT)cs.montana.edu 994-3931 

> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Bruce Douglas
> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 1:48 PM
> Subject: php/sendmail/apache/linux...
> hey...
> I'm sure the question has been answered a 1000 times!!! I'm trying to
> create
> a simple app to send email via PHP, using the "mail" function.
> I'm using RedHat(Linux 8.0 , Sendmail), PHP(4.2.2), Apache (2.0.40).
> I'm using the following piece of code:
> ==========================================================================
> =
> //test mail....
> $to = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> $subject = "savannah registration";
> $message = " testing mail";
> $reply = "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n"
>         ."Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n";
> echo"
>  to = " . $to . "<br>";
> echo"
>  subject = " . $subject . "<br>";
> echo"
>  msg = " . $message . "<br>";
> echo"
>  reply = " . $reply . "<br>";
>          $q1 = mail($to, $subject, $message, $reply);
> echo"
>  return val  = " . $q1 . "<br>";
> ==========================================================================
> ==
> ===========
> Pretty simple eh... The problem that I have is that the mail doesn't
> appear
> to get sent. When I look in the /var/spool/clientmqueue directory, I see a
> great deal of what look to be error msgs.... They appear to be telling me
> that the mail couldn't be delivered, but I can't tell why....
> I was able to successfully send a test msg via Sendmail from the command
> line by telnet. So I know the Sendmail engine/daemon seems to be
> performing... The PHP.ini file appears to be setup correctly, with the
> sendmail_path pointing to sendamil.
> Any ideas as to what I need to do, or should be checking....
> Any pointers/assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> -Bruce
> --
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> https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list

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