You need to edit your smb.conf file /etc/samba/smb.conf with your
favorite editor. It's documented, and if not, you can use 'info
smb.conf' for more information on what should go in the appropriate


On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 17:45, Buck wrote:
>       I am trying to setup Linux as a file server for a home network
> called "wildlife".  Deer is my HP 9900 running Windows XP PRO and Tiger
> is an HP 6545 running Windows XP Pro.  Both of these computers are
> networked in the workgroup called "Wildlife".  My third computer is a
> Compaq Presario 5000 running Red Hat Linux 8.0, but I didn't have
> opportunity to give it a workgroup or name.  I would like to call it
> "Penguin" and put it on wildlife too, but I haven't figured that one out
> yet.
>       I installed Linux as a server on the Compaq and had it install
> Gnome, Networking and System Management at the same time.  When I boot
> the Compaq it comes up to the Gnome desktop.  I found services and
> started SMB which now loads every time I boot the computer.   When I
> look at Microsoft Windows Network in Deer, it shows two workgroups --
> wildlife and Mygroup.  When I look at wildlife, I get Deer and Tiger.
> But when I look at Mygroup, it takes a long time to tell me "Mygroup is
> not accessible.  You might not have permission to use this network
> resource.  Contact the administrator of this server to see if you have
> access permissions.  The network path was not found."
>       I created a folder under /home/buck called shared and placed a
> file in it.  I set all the sharing properties to Read Write and Execute.
> I still get the same message when I try to access it.  I looked for a
> way to change the password for "buck", the user name I use to sign onto
> deer to see if that would allow me to have access to Penguin, but I
> can't see a way to do that in Gnome and I don't have access to the
> command line.
>       Thank you all again for your help.
> Sincerely,
> Buck
> -- 
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