I am trying to setup Linux as a file server for a home network
called "wildlife".  Deer is my HP 9900 running Windows XP PRO and Tiger
is an HP 6545 running Windows XP Pro.  Both of these computers are
networked in the workgroup called "Wildlife".  My third computer is a
Compaq Presario 5000 running Red Hat Linux 8.0, but I didn't have
opportunity to give it a workgroup or name.  I would like to call it
"Penguin" and put it on wildlife too, but I haven't figured that one out

        I installed Linux as a server on the Compaq and had it install
Gnome, Networking and System Management at the same time.  When I boot
the Compaq it comes up to the Gnome desktop.  I found services and
started SMB which now loads every time I boot the computer.   When I
look at Microsoft Windows Network in Deer, it shows two workgroups --
wildlife and Mygroup.  When I look at wildlife, I get Deer and Tiger.
But when I look at Mygroup, it takes a long time to tell me "Mygroup is
not accessible.  You might not have permission to use this network
resource.  Contact the administrator of this server to see if you have
access permissions.  The network path was not found."

        I created a folder under /home/buck called shared and placed a
file in it.  I set all the sharing properties to Read Write and Execute.
I still get the same message when I try to access it.  I looked for a
way to change the password for "buck", the user name I use to sign onto
deer to see if that would allow me to have access to Penguin, but I
can't see a way to do that in Gnome and I don't have access to the
command line.

        Thank you all again for your help.



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