On Wed, 2003-01-22 at 06:06, Mark Cooke wrote: > > Which translates to: > > > > Message _from_ (pc-80-193-4-51-nm.blueyonder.co.uk []) > > received _by_ mail.pcc.edu.cn _for_ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on > > Wed, 22 Jan 2003 02:55:23 +0800 > > So am I correct in thinking, the mail originated from a blueyonder > dialup/broadband account?
Yes, the mail came from blueyonder, and the open relay is mail.pcc.edu.cn. That host is already listed as an open relay on ORDB.org: bash-2.05b$ host mail.pcc.edu.cn mail.pcc.edu.cn has address bash-2.05b$ host has address If you feel like getting a hold of them, send them here: http://www.mail-abuse.org/tsi/ar-fix.html#sendmail_8 Funny, though... the mail server is running a recent version of Sendmail. It shouldn't be an open relay unless they cocked up the config. Maybe they just don't know how to do SMTP AUTH. If you run your own mail server (or your friend does), configure it to use ORDB's RBL, and help people figure out their relaying problems. If you don't, ask your ISP to do so. -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list