
A friend of mine has just received about 200 spam mails (why 200, beats me),
Anyway, I have found out from the headers, who received what and who was
the initial point of injection, I want to contact the point of injection
and warn that person that their box is being used for an open relay,
without contacting their isp (and getting them in trouble).

The problem is looking at their IP, it seems to be a blueyonder broadband
account, I wish to somehow contact the person on that address and advise
them of this, I have their hostname and IP address.

I tried to telnet to port 25 on that IP, yet it never received a reply,
which  would seem that their smtp sever isn't open, yet they did send the
mail through their open rely sever.

Email headers:

Received: from mail.pcc.edu.cn ([]) by
mc7-f9.law1.hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.5600); Tue, 21 Jan
2003 10:41:13 -0800
      Received: from smtp0542.mail.yahoo.com
(pc-80-193-4-51-nm.blueyonder.co.uk [])(authenticated bits=0)by
mail.pcc.edu.cn (8.12.3/8.12.3) with ESMTP id h0LItEL9003808for
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 22 Jan 2003 02:55:23 +0800

Spammer: smtp0542.mail.yahoo.com
OpenRelay Server: pc-80-193-4-51-nm.blueyonder.co.uk []

Any advise is greaty received.


Please be aware that I do not read or reply to messages
with attachments in any proprietary format.
Please send attachments in any standards compliant format.

Proprietary format attachments are a major obstacle to the
broader adoption of GNU/Linux.

Remember: Competition is good for business; Proprietary denies choice..

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