> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lester Bauman
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 5:27 PM
> Subject: RE: Email and printing
> >> 3. Is there any way to get my Xp bootloader to load
> >> Linux? I am using a floppy to start Linux now. I
> >> installed on a second hard drive using grup and told
> >> it not to replace the MBR (as someone told me to do).
> >
> >Why not use grub? you'll have to instal grub in the
> >mbr, and change your config file... it's no hassle and
> >windows will not complain.. I use that way it in my 3
> >computers... just, don't install grub in the mbr, if you do
> >not know how to edit you config file, or you wont be able to
> >boot to windows.. I can send you my config file, and explain
> >to you how it works...
> Sure. Be glad to see it. But can I do this on an NTFS formatted hard
> drive? I was told that to install into the MBR wouldn't work. 
> I added a second hard drive for Linux so that I could leave my Xp 
> installation as is.

Since you have two hard drives, I thought I might add to this thread.

I use my motherboards BIOS to dual boot from two hard drives. Drive 1 =
Linux, Drive 2 = W2K. Each OS installed its boot loader into the MBR of each
drive. Then I installed both drives jumpered/cabled as follows:

Drive 1 = master on ide0
Drive 2 = master on ide1

I also have to CDRW's which are jumpered as slaves on each ide bus/cable.

When I want to boot between Linux/W2K, I jump into my BIOS I select the boot
order as follows:

c-only = linux
d,c,a = W2K

Note: W2K does not like the ext3 file systems on the first drive and will
keep trying to acquire this drive (disk thrashing). So I had to disable this
drive in my hardware profile. i.e. device manager. Not a big deal since I'm
not aware of any drivers that allow W2K to mount this type of file system.
Also, when you select drive d in your bios, W2K will still map your drive
partitions properly. i.e. BIOS drive D = C in W2K.

Obviously your mileage may vary based on your motherboards capabilities, but
this method has worked for me for a couple of years now.

Steve Cowles

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