On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 16:26:50 -0700, Lester Bauman wrote:
>>I am doing what you want to do.  You do not need to reinstall RH to
>>get the XP loader to load both Linux and XP. I do not have the 
>>steps in front of me but I found them but doing a simple hunt with
>>http://www.google.com/   Look for:
>>"NT Loader" linux boot
>>This is what my boot.ini looks like:
>>[boot loader]
>>[operating systems]
>>multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Pro"
>>C:\bootsect.lin = "Linux 8.0"
>I had picked up some instructions on doing this earlier. But I get 
>error message "Grub hard drive error" when I pick the Linux option 
>booting... Is there something else I need to config?

Sorry.  I avoided Grub since it was "new" (in my opinion) and I was 
more used to lilo.   I configured/installed lilo onto my /boot 
device. I had to edit the lilo.conf file to set up up properly. Once 
lilo.conf was correct, I ran lilo (/sbin/lilo as root).  Once that 
was done, I could "peel off" the boot sector using the 'dd if=xx 
of=yy bs=512 count=1' command.

For a Grub user, I would assume that it is a similar adventure. Get 
the grub config file (I do not know the actual name) set up 
correctly.  Get grub installed to your /boot device. Once that is 
done, peel off the boot sector.

Sorry I cannot be more specific.


There are only 10 types of people. Those who understand binary and 
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