-------Original Message------- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Saturday, January 11, 2003 3:43:38 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Scripting Question On Saturday 11 January 2003 12:28, Thom Paine uttered: > That seems to have fixed that. > > How hard would it be to record the process and then kill it in a cron job? Extremely easy. The process variable does exactly that, it records the process ID. If you wanted to kill it, all you would have to do is something like this: process=`ps auxwww | grep q3ded | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` if [ ! -z $process ]; then echo "Quake3 process found, killing it w/ extreme prejudice" kill -9 $process echo "" fi Of course, this doesn't work as expected if you have multiple instances of quake3 running. What you would really want to do is drop it into a for loop: for process in `ps auxwww | grep q3ded | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` do echo "Quake3 process found, killing it w/ extreme prejudice"; kill -9 $process; done This will loop through every process returned that matches q3ded, and kills it with -9. If no process is found, nothing is killed. Of course, this is all overkill, since "killall" and "pkill" expect a process name. killall -9 q3ded would accomplish the exact same thing.
Oh, cool. killall -9 q3ded would be what I want, as I would only ever have one copy of q3ded running. I'd like to rotate different game servers on different nights automatically. I'd rather not have more that one game server running, to keep the performance up. Thanks for your help. -- Psyche-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list