On Friday 10 January 2003 19:50, Thom Paine uttered:
> I'd appreciate any input on this. At a later date to get fancier, I'd like
> to record the pid so that I can kill it from cron too. I'd like to only
> have the server running at night and I'd like to rotate through the
> different servers on a weekly basis. I can figure out how to do that from
> the cron, but I need to know the pid's of the server when it starts up.

Ok, basically to help you, I'll need to see an unmolested output of a ps 
-auxwww when you are sure that the quake3 server is running.  Once I see 
that, I can help you w/ the script to correct the checking and starting of 
the server.

Jesse Keating RHCE MCSE
For Web Services and Linux Consulting, Visit --> j2Solutions.net
Mondo DevTeam (www.mondorescue.org)

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